Who are the Churches of Christ and what do they believe?
Churches of Christ came into being at a time when people questioned the sad divisions in the church caused by denominations, man made creeds and arguments over doctrine.
Isn't it interesting that the barriers are once again being removed as Christian people find friendship and fellowship with like minds in other churches, once separated by dogma and doctrine?
Christian leaders in Britain and the USA held the view that the divided church was a disappointment to God and out of step with the teachings of the New Testament (that part of the Bible dealing with the life and ministry of Jesus and the early Christian Church). They believed one way to correct that division was to go back to the simple teachings of the New Testament. That's a view still held by modern Churches of Christ.
We do not see ourselves as 'the only Christians' but as Christians only.
We believe:
- the New Testament is still the basis for the life and faith of the Church.
- in unity of belief on important issues - liberty of opinion in other matters.
- all Christians are called to share in the work of Jesus Christ.
- in the weekly observance of the Lord's Supper (Communion).
- in the unity of Christians and the restoration of the simple Christianity of the New Testament.
- that following a public declaration of faith, Churches of Christ should practice baptism by immersion, as they did in the times of Jesus.
- each local congregation is independent, served by democratically elected Elders and leaders appointed by the local church.
Churches of Christ are part of the main stream Christian Church represented in every state in Australia and in over 40 countries.